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I wield an extensive skillset capable of seamlessly crafting, executing, maintaining, and optimizing comprehensive omni-channel campaigns. I'm drawn to projects where the proven solutions are no longer viable answers. I have a knack for finding creative workarounds that allude even the most experienced professionals.

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B.A. Communications


Communication (14+ yrs)

Digital Marketing (8+yrs)
Corporate Video Producer (7yrs)
Marketing Leadership (3 yrs)



Trello, CRM, Hootsuite, Socialbee, Office365 Mailchimp, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After Effects.

Explore Previous Work

From online video to TV commercials, social copy to blogs, web design to marketing strategy, I've worked with local, regional, and national organizations in all aspects of marketing, communications, and content creation.

Previous Clients

Video Editing

Media Consultant


Marketing Strategist &

Communications Trainer

Animation & Motions Graphics

Video Editing


Communications Committee

Social Content

Mt. Vernon's

Video Production

Photography Workshop

Father, friend, full-funnel marketeer.

I enjoy a challenge. So please, let's chat, I could use another challenge. 

Get in touch!
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